In this shop you can buy various VIP packages and in-game goodies.
All donations and subscriptions go directly into the server.
Here is how it works:
In the menu you will see different categories with packages and items. Choose one of the categories and it will show you the perks, take a look at them and once you have decided what you want you can go to the next step.
Click on Subscribe, Add to Basket or Gift.
You will be taken to a new page where you will need to sign in with your Steam account.
Once logged in, click Proceed to Checkout to complete the purchase.
After purchase, you will receive your item/package on our Rust server.
This is a subscription, you will be billed monthly for this package until you cancel it!
We are not responsible if you don't cancel in time!
Add to card
This is a one-time purchase, the package will tell you how long it's valid. When it expires you will need to purchase it again.
Choose this option if you want to give a package to a friend, you will need to fill in the SteamID64 to give it away.
Why did we create this store?
Because we wanted to add it as an option for our players to support what we do and help us with any future improvements.
So please keep in mind that with every purchase you're supporting our server!
Thank you for your support!
We appreciate it and are very grateful for every penny.